Come and visit us this Sunday morning and we are sure that you too,
will experience love, fellowship, and Jesus in our midst.
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Everyone Welcome!
Sunday Worship Service
10:15 A.M.
Sunday School
9:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M.
(Labor Day Weekend to Memorial Day)
Pastor: Position Vacant
Welcome to St. Luke's Union Church!
St Luke's Union Church has been gathering together to worship since our beginning in 1853. We began as a Union Church - which meant a Reform (presently United Church of Christ) and Lutheran - two distinct congregations shared the same building although worshipped at different times on a Sunday morning. This practiced continued until 2003 when it was decided to call one pastor, merge all ministries, and gather as one in worship. Now we do not worship as U.C.C. or Lutherans but as Christians! It made perfect sense, when you think about it. We are a Union Church - United in Christ! We are one in Christ!
St. Luke’s Church strives to extend the kingdom of God by preaching and teaching His Holy Word, by faithful administration of the sacraments, and foster Christian fellowship and love with all people.
You will find St. Luke’s is a welcoming congregation centered on the grace and mercy of our risen Savior Jesus Christ. We desire to be a faithful congregation that our Lord desires us to be with teachings firmly grounded in Holy Scriptures. Moreover, we strive to live lives that give expression to the Gospel of our Savior both in worship of Him and in service to one another. Our steadfast mission is to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to people everywhere who are seeking hope and meaning in an ever-changing world with a changeless message of Jesus Christ.
In all of this we have fun!We have confirmation classes, children’s Sunday School, ministry to U.S. Veterans, and Church Mouse Nursery School.
We also have an adult Fellowship Committee who gather together planning fun trips and social events in the congregation. We have a Dorcas Committee (women’s group) dedicated to service to the poor. There is something at St. Luke’s for everyone!
Most importantly we gather for the worship of God! That’s the real life and joy that we experience together. We have an outstanding choir who proclaim God through their gifts of music. We gather around God’s Holy table and at His font. Yes, we love our Lord and love to gather in His name!
St. Luke's Union Church
431 Franklin Street
Shoemakersville, PA 19555
Tel: (610) 562-4152
E-mail: stlukesunionchurch@verizon.net